Monday, June 22, 2009

And so it begins

I'm such a follower. I read a few blogs and I love them. I love their wit and pretty pictures and chronicling of the lives of children. I will most likely suck at this, but I'm going to give it a go.

Everyone in this house is sleeping but me. Blessed nap time for the boys. My husband has asked not to be talked about on this new-fangled world-wide diary so you won't hear much about him(but he's sleeping, too).

I took the munchkins to the grocery store this morning and spent way too much money. I got very little meat but still managed to spend almost 200 freaking dollars. How is that? It did include formula and baby food, but JEEZ. I got a bunch of squash. A friend made this delicious squash casserole for playgroup a while back and I want to try it. I'll post my progress when I finally make it this week. I also got one butternut squash and some pears to try my hand at my own baby food. HAHAHA yea. I have fabulous ideas. Just not so good with the follow through. But I'm gonna try, dang it!

I leave this first post with some pictures I took of the boys for a father's day gift.




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