Saturday, November 7, 2009

Letter from Grandma

It seems I've been remiss. The boys got an email today:

Dear Riley and Brock

Please play nicely and then eat a good lunch and then take a LONG NAP so that mommy can put your darling pictures and escapades on her blog

Needing a grandbaby fix

Hope you’re all healthy and happy



So I figured I'd better get busy uploading pictures since both boys are down for a nap.

Our friend, Cindy, invited us to a trunk or treat at the local gymnastics gym. The boys had a blast!
Riley ran and jumped and frolicked all over. I can't wait to get him into a class!

And Brock just enjoyed walking around. He also really loved when I got on the trampoline and bounced with him in my arms. He's going to be my daredevil, for sure.

We went trick or treating around the neighborhood. My monkeys were so cute. Thank goodness it was cold, though. Riley balked at his costume every time I tried to get him in it. I managed to get the pants on him but he refused the jacket. But then he got cold and was willing to wear it. Hooray for fall being cool like it's supposed to be!


I leave Riley in the tub while I get Brock his bottle and I came back to a serious "choo choo" all over the bath.

I'll come back later with our trip to the zoo!

Good enough, Grandma?

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