Tuesday, August 18, 2009

new picture

I got an email from my mother yesterday requesting a new picture for my blog. I shared this with Sudie, my bestest, and she agreed. Dangit.
Granted, that picture was taken when I was about 7-8 months pregnant with Brock. And my hair certainly wasn't in a flattering style. But, you know what? That's me people! Unkempt.

And, lately, I've been having a problem. I hate my body. This is most likely why:
I made these "for The Guy". Guess how much he ate. Yea, not much. Add to that the pb fudgies, cookies, cakes......on and on. I love to bake and I really enjoy eating what I bake.

I have GAINED weight since I stopped nursing Brock. I blame a bit on this stupid IUD I got and the rest on my sweet tooth.

So while I would like to have a prettier picture up, I don't feel like one can be taken right now. Maybe I'll find an old one, from my cuter days. Maybe I'll get off my butt and exercise and lose some weight so I can feel better about myself and have my picture taken. Maybe rainbows will shoot out of my butt and no one will notice anything else.

Any advice on ways to lose some weight? Keep in mind that I have 2 small children and it's hot has hades outside. And I am all that is unathletic. I need to lose 15 pounds just to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I'd like to lose 25 so I can look like the woman The Guy married 4 years ago.


  1. You used to like yoga... Pilates = super fun too. There are a few "yoga for babies"/kiddo yoga tapes out there... Swimming with the kiddos? To counter the heat?

  2. Man, I don't know. I'm having horrible issues trying to get the baby weight off. My thyroid is conspiring against me.

    I guess my suggestions are: drink a ton of water, try to keep healthy snacks around and I don't know. Man, let me know what you come up with.

  3. AB--at least you can squeal loudly about your glandular problem. I have no excuses! And when do we find the TIME let alone the inclination?

    What are healthy snacks, anyway?

    Carey--I really do need to hit the pilates dvds but when? Nap time is sacred. It's when I sit on my butt and watch reruns of NCIS and play on the puter.

  4. I'm so with you on just not feeling pretty these days. But I have lost weight in the past and this is what has worked for me....

    Weight Watchers - I do the online version, not meetings. Worked wonders!

    30 Day Shred - Only ten minutes every day. Kicks your butt, but you are done SO fast!
